Maisie's been taking a dance class through Minneapolis Parks & Rec. Yesterday was her last day of class, which meant recital! I was a little nervous about how my shrinking violet would react to the audience...
but as it turns out, I needn't have worried.
The girls were as synchronized and together as you'd expect a class of 3-5 year olds, performing for their parents, would be.
It was also CRAZY cute.
After the performance, we'd hoped to play on the playground, but the skies were threatening rain. So we went home, Ella and Aaron took a nap, and Maisie and I decided to hop a train to the Mall of America to look for a birthday present for Maya.
Maisie was pretty excited for her first ride on the light rail train!
By the time we got back from the mall, the skies had cleared and it was nice outside, so we all headed out to do some yard work.
Ella, as it turns out, has inherited her grandmas' love of gardening and digging in the dirt.
She also shares her sister's affection for a camera.
Meanwhile, Maisie rode her bike up and down the sidewalk.
It's funny, it wasn't that long ago that she wasn't able to really pedal... she just wasn't coordinated enough. And all of a sudden, she just hopped on and was off to the races!
So anyway, that was our Saturday. Busy, but not atypically so. So if you ever wonder why Aaron and I are often tired... now you know why!