Monday, January 15, 2007

Well Child

Today was Maisie's two-month well child appointment. Her weight, 11 pounds 3 oz, is in the 50th percentile, and her height, 23", is in the 75th percentile. These are the same percentiles as at her one-week appointment, so her growth is right on track. Her head circumference, though, has jumped from the 35th percentile to 75th! The nurse said that Maisie must have a lot of brains to have such a big head. We liked her. But then she gave Maisie three shots, so we didn't like her quite so much after that.

But, we got over it.

By the afternoon, Maisie was her smiley self again!

Speaking of which, Maisie's pediatrician (who we love) warned us that our happy baby may not stay that way. He said that four-month-old babies have sudden and dramatic mood swings, and will be cranky and fussy for no reason at all!

Aaron and I were surprised to hear this - we thought we had at least thirteen or fourteen years before we had to deal with that kind of thing. I've heard of a four-month sleep shakeup. But mood swings, really?


Anonymous said...

Cutest Maisie photo yet! I love her smiles. Give her a kiss from her imaginary internet auntie.

Anonymous said...

She is such a cutie! Love the pictures. Can't wait to see her again.

Sarah and Jack said...

such a cutie pie! I don't think Jack had mood swings at 4 months. At 2 years? Yes!