Instead, I'll share some pictures of happier times: last Sunday!
Auntie Laura had tickets to the Wild game Sunday afternoon, so Dylan came over to our house! We had fun with Dylan, and Auntie Laura had fun at the game, which the Wild won. Woo!
Sunday was a pretty nice day, so Aaron and the kids and I walked up to our nearby elementary school, which has some fun playground equipment.
There is one little set there that's just right for little ones - there's a little slide, and stairs that Maisie could navigate on her own. I have no idea how many times she and Dylan went down that slide, but we were at the park for a good 45 minutes, until they got cold and actually asked to go home! I kept trying to get a picture that would actually catch Maisie's face, but she wouldn't stop moving long enough - she'd just say "cheese!" as she ran past me to go down the slide again.
There was some equipment at the playground for bigger kids too - monkey bars and a big curly slide - but Dylan was very sweet about playing on the little slide that Maisie could handle.
He was particularly impressed that the playground is surfaced with cut up old tires, not wood, so nobody had to worry about getting splinters if they fell!
What happy kids! It's so great to see them enjoying each other. Warms the very cockles of my grandmotherly heart.
Gamma J.
Hope Maisie is getting better and that y'all continue to evade the bug.
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