On Saturday, Maisie spent a long time playing at the water tables. She was really focused on it, as you can see!
I know I've written a lot about the Children's Museum before, but it's really one of our favorite places to go with Maisie when the weather's not great - or even when it is - then she can play in the big sandbox on their rooftop garden. I think it'll continue to be a favorite place, too! On Saturday, I ran into a Carleton friend (Thistle P-H, for those who remember her) who was there with her two children, ages 3 and 1.
She said that since having her younger son, she appreciates the toddler area even more than she did before, because it's enclosed. So when she needed to nurse the baby or change his diaper, she knew that the older one would be okay for the brief time she had to step away. That was great to hear!
So, dear reader, the upshot of that is, I hope the Children's Museum pictures do not bore you, because I think there's quite a few more in our future. :)
The first thing Maisie likes to do when she gets to the Museum is to paint her face.
She takes it very seriously. What she ends up with may look random to the untrained eye, but it's not at all - she looks for specific colors, uses the mirror, and really takes her time. It's serious business.
Today we didn't spend as much time at the water tables. Instead, she enjoyed building with the large wooden blocks they have there.
When we asked her what she was building, Maisie said, "This your work, mama!" So this is what my office looks like, at least to her.
Pretty neat office, eh?
1 comment:
I love the intensity and focus in all her efforts!
Gamma J.
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