Friday, December 01, 2006

Thanksgiving Comb-Over

Dear blog,
I was hanging out at my grandpa's house on Thanksgiving (a totally overrated holiday in my opinion, I mean, what goes with milk?) and I totally had the post-lunchie nap thing going when all of a sudden my mommy yanks me out and someone takes this crazy picture. It looks like I have a freakin' comb-over, for goodness-sake!
What about my street cred!? I'll be like, yo, how's it hanging Jordyn? Hesus? And they'll be like: Hey Donald Trump. Buy me a trike?

My. Life. Is. Ruined.

In this other picture I was totally giving this wicked gang sign and I totally blinked.
Now it just looks like I'm saying, MU. I mean, MU? What's that? Shout out to MU? Muscle Umbrella? Milk Up?

Maybe like people used to say, Saddle Up?

Milk Up, dawgs.

Maisie out.

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