Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Chicks and Ducks and Geese better Scurry

Hello blog. Oh, the weather outside is frightful. It's humid, and rainy, and I haven't been able to take my scooter out for a spin more than once this whole week. I don't know if I've ever shown you any pictures of my scooter. It runs on this revolutionary new type of biodiesel.

Here's me buckled into my biodiesel scooter (I'm checking my mirrors):

However, I saved a little anecdota-boat for ya from some sunnier days about a week ago. I was out in my scooter, driving around the neighborhood, when I happened upon a bunch of neighborhood kids playing in a lake. I was like, hey guys, how's the water?

And one little flat headed kid said, "Quack."
The big kid said, "Honk."

Yeah. These are your future leaders, America. Good luck with that.

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