Tuesday, June 10, 2008

See a resemblance?

A lot of people have said that Maisie looks just like me. Others have said that she's a perfect combination of me and Aaron. As for me, I don't really see it - she just looks like herself!

Well, that is, until I saw this picture that Aaron took of us watching Curious George this weekend.

I always thought it was just the curls, or something, that made people say we look alike. But with this pic, I guess I do see the resemblance between us now.

Just wait until she gets glasses. (Inevitable, I think.) Then the resemblance will be really clear!


gerkat said...

I've always thought Maisie looked like you - especially her smile.

kari said...

I don't know about the resemblance, but I DO know that is one freaking cute picture.