Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Morning mayhem

Our weekday mornings tend to be pretty hectic. Aaron has to leave pretty early to catch his bus, so he gets up early. He doesn't have a lot of time, so I get Maisie and myself ready, then drop her at daycare and head off to work myself. It's a lot of rushing for both Aaron and I, and I usually end up forgetting something in my rush to get Maisie and myself out the door so I can get to work at something approaching on time. I get as much ready as I can the night before, but there's always something.

So sometimes when Aaron wants a little extra sleep, and I want a little extra help in the morning, he helps me get Maisie to daycare and then I drive him to work.

This is so nice. One of us can entertain Maisie while the other has time to drink some coffee, brush his or her teeth, make sure lunches are packed, and all those other things that sometimes just don't happen in a morning rush.

It gets me to work about a half-hour later than I normally arrive, and doesn't work every day. But sometimes the non-rushed feeling in the morning is totally worth it.

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