Monday, March 10, 2008


Dear blog,

I have a frightening anecdota to repota: I was attacked. I was walking home from free-style-rap-poetry club practice (I'm team coordinator, a very important and busy position) when this mugger jumped out at me. I was, like, terrified. The attacker demanded my wallet, and my Blue Bankie. Which is, like, totally not what it sounds like. It's a, um, diamond.

So anyway, I guess I panicked. I just lashed out with all my fear and terror and stuff, and latched onto my attacker with my teeth.

I...I...guess I killed him.

Luckily, my attacker was made out of spaghetti. Otherwise, there might have been some awkward questions.

Needless to say, I'm safe now, but watch yourselves out there, bloggers.

You never know who or what might be made out of spaghetti.

Peace out,
MJWD aka Baby Thunda

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