Friday, July 20, 2012

Ella's birthday party

About, oh, a month ago, we celebrated Ella's third birthday. I mentioned it briefly here and promised a recap, but never delivered. I am the worst mommyblogger! Auntie Clare even blogged it before I did, and with better pictures, too - here's her writeup and gorgeous pics. Go check it out. Her pics are just lovely.

The party was awesome. We had it at Edinborough, an indoor play area in Edina. It's a pretty sweet deal, if any Twin Citizens are looking for an indoor place to host a birthday party - the park is owned by the city so it's really not expensive.

Here was our little party area:
The park sets it up for you and provides all the paper products, along with a shirt for the birthday kid. They also handle cleanup! yay!

Here was our cupcake cake, made of cupcakes!
Seriously, so much easier than trying to slice up a regular sheet cake or whatever. Everyone just gets a cupcake! Less cleanup, too. We got it at Target... this was seriously the birthday party of convenience.

This is what occupies the kids and where they run off the sugary cupcakes you fed them:
It's called Adventure Peak. You can't really tell from the pic just how enormous this is - it's hard to get a good perspective. According to their website, it's 44 x 44 x 37. The oak tree thingy on the side is 30 feet tall. Huge, right? There's slides and ladders in between the various levels. There's also a little bounce house on the lower level, and a toddler area for the littl'uns. Then there's a separate gym that has balls and rolly slidy toys.

We had so much fun with all the friends and family who came to celebrate. It was great to see everyone. Ella had a wonderful birthday party. Thank you all!

(I stole that picture from Clare. Isn't it great?)

And finally, here's a pic of Maisie and Maya, who I took to see Brave on Saturday afternoon, post-birthday party.
Maisie got pretty freaked out by the bears. Maya kept reassuring her, "Maisie, it's just a movie, it'll be fine." Ha!


Anonymous said...

Too cute! I miss your girls.

Grandma Jo

Clare said...

I have a bunch of cute pictures of Ella and it was hard to pick a couple..she's just I'm glad Maya tried to reassure Maisie. She is the kid that isn't afraid of Voldemort...but doesn't like Nagini (she DOES NOT like big snakes, at zoos she backs up and runs away).

Anonymous said...

I knew you could do it! I love the picture of Ella!
Gramma Liisa