Wednesday, January 03, 2007

2 months old!

Maisie is two months old today!

Maisie is growing and changing so quickly! When she's awake, she's much more awake than she used to be. She has become a very smiley, happy little baby who laughs a lot. She is discovering her hands and loves getting them into her mouth - actually, pretty much anything grasped in those little hands goes into the mouth!

She is also getting much stronger and can hold her head up when we support her in a sitting position. She has even flipped over from tummy to back twice now, effectively getting out of the hated tummy time!

The last two months have brought us so much joy. I can't wait to see what the future holds for our little family!


Anonymous said...

Such a cute picture - I love her hair!

Anonymous said...

I too love her hair!